Amber Lilyestrom’s Soul Powered CEO

From Amber, “Liza Witonis is a personal wealth coach and one of my very best friends. She helps her clients establish their personal wealth and heal their relationship with money. For so many of us, just the word “money” is a major trigger.. Reframing our money stories can be a huge challenge. Luckily, this is what Liza helps people with the most!

Liza took her teaching background and has utilized it to launch her personal wealth coaching business in the last year and a half since her little one was born. It has been an honor and a delight to play a role in this transformation and to support my dear friend in impacting lives all over the world. Grab your notebook for this one because Liza drops a ton of beautiful knowledge bombs.”

Morning Sunshine with Jillian Bolanz

From Jillian, “In this episode, Liza shares about her journey into Mamapreneurship.  She shares about the birth of her daughter and about how she FELT on the day she walked away from her job as a teacher.  She shares about how she got started as a Personal Wealth Coach by allowing us to get a sneak peek into HER wealth journey (and how she has paid off over $200,000 of debt in five years). 

In this conversation Liza and I also dive into Network Marketing and how being affiliated with a company that she believes in serves herself, her family, and her bank account- all while serving others.”

Becoming Fearless

From Annie, “After undergoing her own financial journey and paying off over $200,000 worth of debt in five years, Liza started her business to help others achieve financial security and feel empowered with their money. Join Annie and Liza as they chat about defining your values, being an authentic leader, creating a ripple effect, and rewriting your future.”

Silver Lining Life

From Danielle, “Liza Witonis tells the story of how she and her husband made the decision to take back their life and address their finances. She shares how they became empowered by learning the tools of managing their money, looking at their mindset around money and then committing to making huge changes in their lives. Liza gives tangible steps that you can make changes in your life today, from how to start and how to change how you can change how you talk about money even.”

Luscious Hustle

From Betsy & Laura, “Money is power. Money gives you options. Money gives you freedom.
As women, we have to become comfortable talking about money and feeling worthy of money to create change, not only for ourselves but for the women we are meant to serve. Today we are diving into the difference between a wealth mindset and a poverty mindset so that you can begin to identify where you stand. Rewriting your wealth story is a process that starts with a single step, and we’re showing you exactly how to begin.”

An Excellent Example of Being Human

From Tory Dube, “Liza Witonis, Personal Wealth Coach, has been there. The end of the month would come, and she wouldn’t have enough money to buy groceries or pay her monthly bills…and she knew something had to change.

Liza teaches how to live a fulfilling life by healing your relationship with money, creating a money plan that allows you to save, build personal wealth, and pay off debt.

On her own financial journey, Liza and her husband are no longer afraid of money conversations or strategic financial plans - and their efforts have resulted in paying off over $320,000 in debt within six years. She now teaches others to do the same.” 

Keeping Shop

“While she's not a brick and mortar business owner per se, Liza works with people like us on getting real around our money stories to bring us into financial freedom both at home and in our workspaces. Money is often top of mind for us business owners; feelings of lack, feelings of imposter syndrome and the fear that we're never going to make enough even when our bank accounts are looking pretty good. Liza addresses all this and more in this conversation about turning around our attitude on money.

Liza and I talk about what forms our attitude around money, how to start working through our money blocks and she offers some easy steps to get started on the path to actually feeling good about money. We also chat about positive vs. negative talk around money and how being "realistic" about what you can afford can reveal what it is you really want. I found a lot of value in this episode as I start new business ventures and continue to grow my current business. I'm hoping you do too. Enjoy!”

The Work Hard / Mom Hard Podcast

From Kari, “Liza has been there. She was living a life where she didn’t know where her money was going. The end of the month would come, and she wouldn’t have enough money to buy groceries or pay her monthly bills…and she knew something had to change.

Wealth is so much more than what you think it is. It’s the thread that connects your body, heart, soul and emotion together. Liza teaches how to live a fulfilling life by healing your relationship with money, creating a money plan that allows you to save, build personal wealth, and pay off debt. She’ll dive deep into your financial hopes and dreams and create real wealth-building strategies to get you where you want to be.”

Dream Hustle with Shana Recker

From Shana, “Do you struggle with money mindset? Worthiness around having money? What about fear of success? Then this episode is for you! Liza Witonis is a Money Mindset Guru and Coach who shares her wisdom, insight and own personal journey with money. She's a network marketing sister with a passion for helping people get control of their finances and our mindsets around them. Join me in our chat together about all things MONEY in this episode.”

Own Your Intuitive

From Tamara, “ Liza gets real as she talks about budgeting, money plans and debt payoff plans. She makes this whole conversation FUN! Liza talks about being 6 figures deep in debt AND she shares how she got out of it.

During this episode we learn:

  • How things changed for her and her husband with the opening of a single piece of mail

  • Why she got married TWICE (Yep I said twice)

Then Liza dives deep into OUR money stories.

She explains:

  • How our money stories began before we were even born

  • How tapping into YOUR feelings about money can change the long term relationship you have with money

  • How to start the “money conversation” with your spouse

  • What is the purpose of budgeting?

Liza is so passionate about money. She gives you some takeaways here and gives you some powerful questions to ask that make you the winner in the money game!”

Wellness Lately

Show notes from Bridget & Dana:

  • Liza’s personal definition of wealth (it’s more than investments and 401k plans)

  • How she and her husband paid off over $250,000 in debt and the first steps they took in the process

  • How to broach the subject of money with your partner

  • Where our money stories and beliefs come from and how to navigate them

  • The habits and behaviors that are often underneath our challenges with money (hint: it’s usually it’s not the actual money)

  • The common troublesome patterns and beliefs around money that Liza sees among her clients

  • Making the energetic shift from cutting out costs to empowering yourself with aligned purchases

  • How to align our habits around money with our subconscious beliefs

  • How our language can affect our experience with money

  • How to face your finances and tackle the fear of getting started

  • Liza’s definition of budgeting and how to do it in a non-restrictive way that creates more freedom

  • Her system for saving, paying off debt and how to allocate funds

  • Her opinion on renting vs. buying a home

  • How she instills a positive, empowering mindset around money in her child

  • The approach for eliminating debt she recommends and why

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