Spending Money on Yourself
/Happy Saturday!
Did you FEEL that sunshine this week?! I forgot how good for the soul sunshine and warmth can be… so I am so grateful to have the chance to spend days out in the sun with my little girl.
The life of a mamapreneur isn’t always pretty or easy… but this week it sure was <3
Here are the 3 things that have been on my heart this week:
1. My Business Facebook Page
I love being able to share bits of myself and my work with you, and using social media platforms to do so. Facebook is one of my favorite tools, and I will be doing Live talks and Q+A’s on there weekly.
I want to make sure you get the chance to jump on and be a part of the journey with me.
Go here to like + follow me on Facebook!
2. Spending Money On Ourselves
Each month, my husband and I allot personal spending money for ourselves in our budget.
It was our way of adding some “guilt free” treats into our lives, because (like I always say), a budget is a LIVING document and needs to be realistic.
Only- I always took that money and spent it on my husband, or my daughter, or someone else. I almost never spent it on the person it was intended to be spent on- me.
While giving freely is a gift unto ourselves, there is also something to be said for always remaining the last person on our lists that we opt to give freely to.
This month, I made the (uncomfortable) effort to spend that money on ME-
I set a new boundary for myself that meant that I was no longer allowed to spend my personal budgeted money on other people.
So I stuck to the boundary, and I bought this super cute hoodie I had been eyeing!
And guess what? It was guilt-free, and it felt so good to show myself that I was also worthy of the gifts that I had been reserving for others.
The lesson? You can’t give water from an empty cup. Make sure, if you’re like me, that in between all of that giving that you do- that you extend some of that same kindness to yourself.
Because guess what? You’re so worth it.
3. The Ignite Your Soul Summit
I am embracing my soul sister Amber Lilyestrom this weekend (as we speak, actually) in all of her greatness and spending the next two days in Portsmouth at The Ignite Your Soul Summit!!
This is Amber’s biggest event of the year, with life changing speakers and deep dives into the hearts and lives of each person that attends… and I am so blessed and honored to be a part of it with her again this year.
It’s a beautiful reminder to surround yourself with people who lift you up and celebrate the journey with you, and if you can’t find them in your own lives at this moment- seek them out in places you know they’ll be.
Trust me, they’ll be just as excited when you arrive as you will be.
If you want to see some of the fun---head to Instagram and follow my Instastories!
Wealth is yours,