The Work, Paycheck to Paycheck & The Power

Hey Friend,

I hope you enjoyed the first full week of summer and heat (at least up here in New England).  For the record, I am not complaining! I've been able to enjoy a lot of water time with our daughter, Lucy!

Two week ago we had the Strawberry Moon + the change of seasons and the full moon are always the perfect times to release what is no longer serving you and call in what has been waiting for you. What intentions did you set this week? Hit REPLY on this email when you’re done reading and let me know- I’d love to hear about them!

Here are the 3 things that are on my heart this week:

1. #DoTheWork

There is no other time than now to do the work that our fellow sisters and brothers in our country and across the globe need us to do.

We could sit on the sidelines and pretend that nothing is happening- or we can opt to make a change… and change always begins- in our lives, in our finances, in our world- with us.

I just signed up for this 30 day #DoTheWork challenge to join the journey to find out the ways I can be part of the solution. Will you join me?


2. What Living Paycheck to Paycheck Actually Means

I hear my clients say this all of the time, and I understand how frustrating it is. Trust me- I was there. I worked 3 jobs and my husband and I were just barely making ends meet.

But the truth was we didn’t have a plan- we didn’t know how to use the money that was coming in in a way that served us in the present, but also served us in the future.

Living paycheck to paycheck means you aren’t paving the way for an easier future. It means you’re not putting aside money for the things that will inevitably arise. It means you’re not building freedom into your life in the now- or down the road.

Once Mike and I were able to shift our own mindsets around money, write up a budget (you know- the thing you think is like a ball and chain but is actually your permission slip to FREEDOM?) I was able to stop hustling, and we were able to pay off over $250,000 in debt while making LESS money.

No, I’m not lying.

When you create a plan for yourself that shows you exactly where your money is going, where it’s being leaked, and how you can redistribute it to allow you to save for emergencies, holidays, vacations or even just a well earned shopping trip, you realize that you always had more than enough- you just needed a little help seeing how it was possible.

If you’re ready to see what’s possible for you on your wealth journey, Schedule Your FREE Strategy Session today!


3. The Power Of One Drip

Do you know how powerful water is? We were at the beach with our daughter this past week and made castles. Lucy loves to destroy the sandcastles as soon as we make them. Luckily, we have established the habit of her asking first before she does!


Her typical way of destroy is with a classic foot stomp, but that day she decided to try something different. As we traveled to the ocean with the bucket, she wanted to put water in it. Playing in the water, picking up rocks and shells on the way back, we finally made our way back to the sandcastle village we had made.  

As she sat down next to one castle, she asked permission to destroy. Then she pick up the bucket of water and slowly started to dribble the water on top. As the water was dripping on top, the sandcastle quickly washed away. Then she dumped the whole bucket on, and the sand castle was destroyed.


Can you imagine the power of one little drip of inspiration/thought/action in our own lives? 

One little drop of change has the ability to make such an impact and truly change how things look. 

If that is only one drop, can you imagine what a whole bucket looks like, and, have it be in your financial world? 

You have the power to take one little baby step to create that change your heart and soul has been craving for months, probably even years.  

When we started our wealth journey just over five years ago, I had NO idea how it would impact our lives. The freedom to switch careers and truly be the best Mom, Wife, Friend I knew I could be. Pay off over $250,000 in debt. Have money and freedom to do and buy the things we want.  

The thing is, you can too. One decision, one thought, one baby step at a time.

If you're unsure of what that looks like in your life, and what it to be different, hit reply. We can begin the conversation!

Wealth Is Yours,


Three Takeaways from Doug Ramsey’s Conference

Hey There!

If you follow me over on Instagram, you know that I was in Tennessee last week at a conference with Dave Ramsey.  Here are my three biggest takeaways from the conference!

1. We Were Created to be Fruitful

Did you know we ALL were write to be fruitful and successful? Yes, no matter where you are in this journey, you were put here to have money and be successful.  Let's take a moment to see if you ARE where you want to be.

1) Do you like where you are?
2) If yes, skip to number 3. If No, know you don't have to like where you are. I didn't like where I was five years ago. 
3) Take ownership with conviction + control by getting clear on what it IS you really want. 
4) Journal: What is your vision, your desires? Where you see yourself in the future? What do you want for your family, life and career? 

These, are your dreams. 

Once we are clear on our truest desires we are then able to make baby steps to what our hearts really want. 

You, my friend, can do this. Write back, and tell me what came up. Let's get those dreams known and let's start taking the steps to them! 

2. You Have Been Given The Amazing Power to Decide

Mathematically, anyone in America can become a millionaire throughout the course of a lifetime. Yes, your behaviors and habit play a HUGE part into this outcome. 

We have been given this amazing power to decide the things we want in the lifetime.  

If you conceive it and believe it, then it can happen. 


We have this incredible power to decide and to #CHANGE our path, our legacy, our rightthisminute. The first step is deciding that you want things to be different.  


3. Money Doesn't Decide--You Do

I used to think that my money problem was because I didn't make enough money as a teacher. I held on to this story for a very long time, and every year that I did, I never felt like I made enough money.  Once I released this story, five and a half years ago, I paid off over $250,000 in debt (and no, we didn't sell our house). 

I was able to do this because I believed I could and because I learned that money doesn't decide, that I DO.

We have the power to decided how to have money and how to use it. 

It starts with breaking our beliefs and filtering out the old thoughts with new ones. When you put clean and clear thoughts into toxic thoughts, over time, it will replace the toxic thoughts.  If you put different thoughts/habits/professional into your life, you will get different things out of your life.  

It's time to step into our opportunity to break the generational patterns we've seen, and do things differently! 

You have the power to change. You have the power to make little shifts in your life now, so that the ripple effect can have bigger impact! 

Wealth Is Yours,


Wishes and the Little Things

Hi You!

I hope all is going well over in your corner of the world.

I’m sending you this little note all the way from Tennessee, where I’m spending the next few days at a Dave Ramsey event! (Just a side note to remind you that investing in your own personal growth is never a waste of money <3 )

Here are the 3 things that are on my heart this week: 

1. How Many Half-Wishes Are We Making?

What would life be like if we are actually honest with ourselves about the things that we truly want, the things that we wish for- instead of half-heartedly “trying” to make them happen.

Just like blowing out a candle, or blowing the puffs off of a dandelion- making our wishes come true requires a deep breath in and full breath out.


The same goes for our wealth dreams- we’ve got to get all of our strength and all of our energy behind them and in front of them in order to see them come to life.

The life, the love and the wealth you wish for are yours- it’s just your job to fully commit (deep breath in...full breath out) to seeing them come to life.


2. Take The Time To Witness And Experience The Little Things.

I spent some time last weekend in my yard, weeding and mulching (26 bags of it!) all day long.

I needed to take a breather for a few minutes, so I just walked around my yard and stopped to see this beautiful monarch just resting in some flowers.


It reminded me of how often I am “on the go” in my life and getting stuck up in this head of mine thinking of all the boxes I need to check and all the things I should be doing…(all the yeses here)

And it also reminded me of how many times I miss the tiny beautiful things that are sitting right in front of me because of it.

This isn’t another opportunity to scold myself for not being more present, but a gentle reminder to all of us that when we get the chance- take the moments to be HERE, in our lives, witnessing the simple moments of magic that are happening all around us.


3. Happy Father’s Day To All Of The Incredible Papa’s Out There

My father is the inspiration for how I write this newsletter (always sending me hearts) and I know he is always with me.


In fact, he is an inspiration in so many ways in my life- even if he isn’t physically here with me.

I now see him through my husband. Michael is the best Papa to our little Lucy. My heart is so full having him has my husband, and our daughter's Papa!


This weekend, take some time to remember the incredible men in your life, whether they’re your husbands and fathers to your own babies, your own father figures, or the men you know who have stepped up to the plate to help the children they love know that they are safe and cared for.

“The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” - Antoine Francois Prevost

Enjoy your day my friend, and as always, remember…

Wealth (happiness, life, joy, love, abundance, love…) is yours.


The Lesson I Learned From a 70-Years-Young Jogger

Hey There,

I'm over the top excited to share the three things on my heart this week!

1. Why Community Matters

When I first started on the path of my journey to wealth, I have to be really honest- I felt completely alone.

I didn’t have anyone to lean in to, I felt like I was the only one of my peers swimming in debt and I didn’t know what was possible for me because no one had ever told me anything other than the stories I had been hearing my whole entire life.

The more I reached out and connected with others on a similar path, the more I realized that I was never alone. I found that so many others had the same experiences and had big dreams for their financial freedom. The more connected I felt, the more I was able to stay the course and be lifted up by others who were in the arena with me finally claiming the abundance that was theirs.

Which is why I created Wealth is Yours- to offer you the same community of support and connection that I had wished I had had all those years ago. So you can have a space where you can go to when you feel lost, when you need inspiration- and when you want to celebrate yourself with people who will understand.

We can’t do this alone, friends- and we don’t have to.

If you’re ready to claim the abundance that’s been waiting for you, and to find a group of people who will lift you up while you’re getting there- set up your Breakthrough Call today!


2. Lucy’s First Lawn Mower Ride + Carrying on Traditions


One of the ways I feel connected to my dad is through carrying on traditions that we once practiced together while he was still with me.

One of our traditions centered around mowing the lawn- so as I watched my little girl and my beautiful husband cutting our grass the other day, I couldn’t help but relive all of those moments with my dad and feel completely connected to him.

The thing about our habits and traditions is that they connect us + allow us to carry parts our ourselves with us through time- and while that’s a beautiful gift, it sometimes can hold us back.

We all have traditions and habits around our beliefs about money, about our worth and about ourselves. What are yours? More importantly, are they connecting you with a part of yourself that you want to carry with you and relive for the rest of your life? Or is it time to let them go and create some new ones?


3. The Lesson I Learned From a 70 Year Young Jogger

I went out for a walk the other day to spend some time in the sun, and as I walked at my own pace an older gentleman rushed right past and out ahead of me.


In that moment I had the insight that this was an opportunity for me to stand in my power and remind myself that I am exactly where I want to be- and that I don’t need to speed up or slow down in order to match myself with anyone.

So many times on our wealth journeys we can feel the conviction of comparison, embarrassment and failure- because we’re looking to see where everyone else is so we can judge ourselves for where we are. 

Only you know what you can do in this moment- and only you know what feels good and right in your life.

When you remind yourself that you’re not running anybody else’s race, or walking anybody else’s path- you realize that it feels pretty amazing to just keep putting one foot in front of the other on your own.

This is your journey to wealth- and you’re doing it perfectly just as you are.

Wealth Is Yours,


Asking for What You Need

Hey You,

I hope your week was beautiful and you have been enjoying the first long weekend of summer!

Here are the 3 things that are on my heart this week:

1. The Gift Of Not Taking Yourself So Seriously…

In case you DIDN’T notice- since starting my new weekly newsletter “On the Heart”... I’ve renamed it a few times. One week it was “On the Hearth”, and last week it was “On the Heath!!”

(Insert laughing face and palm to forehead emoji here!)

Sometimes I’m just so excited to know I’m about to send you a little love note that I forget to, you know- check for any typos!

But here’s the thing- it didn’t upset me. I didn’t freak out. Actually, I just laughed at myself.

I’m running a household and raising a human and building a business… and sometimes I make mistakes! (Who would have thought?!)


So here’s your friendly reminder to not take yourself so seriously this week.

The only thing that’s the end of the world, is in fact, the end of the world.

As a bonus- if you’re willing to be the butt of a joke every now and again- your life can make for great comedy… and doesn’t laughing make everything feel lighter?

I thought so.


2. Asking For What You Need Makes Life Easier

I know it would be great to be able to do all of the things by yourself and with grace without ever batting an eyelash… but that just isn’t real life. To be honest, this is how I did most of my life. 

We are a tribal species for a reason… not just because we need connection… but because we need each other.

My husband has been traveling Monday thru Friday since January. When I finally allowed myself to give in to this fact and reach out to friends and family and ask for help (without judging myself for it,), my life became so much easier. I felt free, I felt productive, I felt like my cup was finally able to be filled. I was the Mama and business owner I wanted to be because I asked for the space!

Maybe we need a friend to give us a ride somewhere, or watch our kids (and sometimes we just need a friend.) Maybe we need an accountability partner, or a coach to help us move towards our goals. Maybe we need to be alone for a few hours without anyone around to recharge…

Whatever it is that you need, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Life isn’t meant to be walked around with the entire world on our shoulders- the weight of that world is meant to be shared.

What have you been needing that you have been avoiding asking for?


3. It’s Memorial Day Weekend!

It’s the first long weekend of summer and the summer weather has arrived! So yes- you know Mike, Lucy and I have been outside all weekend!

I always try to remember though, what this weekend is really I wanted to pop in your inbox this morning so we could remember together.

This weekend and today we remember men and women who have sacrificed their lives so we could live our own freely. No matter what your political views, we can all agree on one thing:

We are so grateful for the price they paid for us, so that we wouldn’t have to.

In between runs through the sprinkler and flipping burgers on the grill, be sure to take a moment to feel that gratitude.

I know I will <3

Wealth Is Yours,


Meet My Best Friend & Husband

Hey Friend,

I hope you had an amazing week and are getting ready to spend some much needed time with loved ones over the next few days…

And remember to also take some extra-special care of YOU. Over the week we can get so caught up in the day to day that we end up last on our own list. Here’s my friendly reminder to move yourself on up to the top <3

Here are the 3 things that are on my heart this week:

1.  Meet My Best Friend + Husband + Rock: Mike Witonis

So many times, people think their journey to wealth has to be done behind closed doors. That changing money mindset is a solo job, and that husbands and wives, or partners, should stick to talking about things that won’t cause tension- therefore, keeping money OUT of it.


Mike and I started our journey to wealth over 5 ½ years ago when we purchased our first home. We realized our mortgage payment was going to be just as much as ONE of his student loan payments… and I freaked. We couldn’t talk about money without both of us getting defensive, scared or angry.

By grace we decided to join Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University”, and slowly but surely- we began to shift our mindset and change our money story- together.

We stopped allowing money to be a wedge that drove us apart- and now we’ve built walls around us that only push us closer together. We talk daily and openly about our big dreams and money (we even laugh about it- seriously!) and since those days we’ve paid off over $240K in debt.

Our story isn’t the only one that can end up like this… yours can too.

If you think you and your partner could benefit from learning how to communicate about money and our ready to build your dream life together, let’s set up a time to connect.

Schedule your free Strategy Session here!


2. The Best (All Natural) Anti-Itch Elixir I Stumbled Upon This Week!

If you know me, you know I love to use natural products in our home and on our bodies… AND… you know I love all things essential oils.

Lucy got a bug bite last week and after doing some research I found that lavender and tea tree oil work miracles on I made a mix of the two myself.

As soon as I applied it to her bug bite the itching stopped,  the redness reduced, and it has almost healed. It’s MAGIC!

Here is how I made it- it’s so easy:

15ml Roller
8 drops Lavender Essential Oil
8 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
Fill the rest of a  carrier oil (I used Grape See Oil)

Instead of using creams or sprays full of chemicals, next time you find yourself in needing some, make this instead.

If you do- let me know how it worked for you!

(I am not a doctor, or pretend to be one, I just like to share what has worked for me.)


3. (This one’s a big deal!) I Am Re-Launching My Signature Program, Wealth is Yours, in June!

As we grow and change, our the way we teach and the way we see will change with us.

Which is why I am re-launching Wealth is Yours with brand new content and a fresh set of eyes, so I can help YOU make the life-changing shift in your wealth and in your life.

Be on the lookout for my emails (sign up if you haven’t already), they’ll be coming your way soon.

If you’ve been wondering if this program is right for you (and your partner) - this will be the time to say YES!

Wealth Is Yours,


Guilt Free Mother’s Day

Hey Friend,

 Here are the 3 things that are on my heart this week:

 1. Happy Mother’s Day To The Woman Who Taught Me What It Means To Be A Mom


My beautiful Momma, mothered me for 31 years. Unconditional love, growing pains, experiences and incredible support have shaped me into the woman I am today. 

THIS moment, changed my life. July 28, 2015, the moment I became a Mama, and my Mom became a Nana again.


The magic that lies in here is the last two and a half years of being the best Mom I could, my Mother has supported, loved, and cried by my side. I have witnessed the love she has for me through a whole new filter. Watching her love our daughter and seeing the love reciprocated has been priceless.

The connection of Mommy-hood and true love, on such a deeper level, has given me a different purpose in my life.

Being a Mom has given me the courage to step into who I really am.
The honor to TRULY love myself again.
The bravery to teach money in a life-changing way.

PS- Happy Mother’s Day to all of the other mama’s out there. (Human and furry kids alike) This world is a better place because of the love you give. The work of raising a kind and compassionate being who loves themselves and others is the greatest work there is. I hope you spend some time celebrating YOU today <3


2. My Go-To Shake (For Mama’s On The Go!)

If you like ice-cream (and if you don’t- I’m not sure we can be friends…) you’re going to LOVE this shake!


I drink this in the mornings to fuel my day, or when I’m running around and only have 2 minutes to come up with something that will nourish + satisfy me.

Healthful food is a non-negotiable for me- energy is everything, and a huge part of our energy comes from the quality of the food we put into our bodies.

Make sure you have your favorite protein powder handy (plant based is my favorite!) and some healthy fats such as avocado or coconut oil in the house for sustained energy- and throw your own recipe together next time you’re in a bind and need to eat real food-real quick!

Please share your favorite recipe with me! I’d love to try it out.


3. Quick Tip For Any Special Occasion: Mother’s Day Guilt Free

We celebrated Mother’s Day guilt free because we were intentional with setting the money aside!

At the beginning of every month (yes I said every month), my husband and I sit down and write out our expenses for the month! Knowing that May is Mother’s Day, we added a new category, and set the money aside not only for our Mother’s, but also for me.

This still allowed the element of surprise to be there WITH guilt free buying because the money was already set aside when my husband and daughter went to buy!

You can apply this to any special occasion that comes up (birthdays, Father’s Day, July Fourth, etc.)

Wealth Is Yours!


Lessons from My 2-Year Old

Hey you!

Whewww! This past week was one for the books. After a life changing weekend at the Ignite Your Soul Summit, I spent much of this week reflecting and refueling my filled and tired heart.

 That being said, there is so much to share with you this week as a result!

 Here are the 3 things that are on my heart:

 1. Having The Confidence To Be Exactly Who We Are

I’m going to take lessons from a 2-year old for today’s e-mail, because sometimes it’s in the spaces that you’d never guess that we get the lessons life has been trying to teach us.


My daughter Lucy had a little accident last week while she was outside playing basketball, and she ended up having to wear a bandaid right smack in the middle of her forehead. What struck me about this, however, was that when later we were at a friend’s house and Lucy would have the chance to realize that no one else had a bandaid on her head like she did... she didn’t even flinch. She was just as confident as ever, didn’t shrink down, didn’t try to hide what had happened- she just went on being exactly who she was.

The lesson here, friends, is that when we’re content with who we are- we don’t worry about what other people think about us.

We don’t worry if we’re budgeting our money while our friends are out every weekend spending theirs, we don’t worry if we have to say “no” to the impulse buys and the impromptu nights out or buying the generic brand of fabric softener… because we are just being who we are.

We are living in alignment with what is true for us in this moment, and so if that looks a little different than what everyone else’s lives looks like- rock that bandaid and be proud that it means you’re doing what’s true for you- and nothing else matters.

 2. Finding Your Tribe

I spent my weekend in a room with 200 incredible women (and a few amazing men as well). We shared our stories, cried with each other, danced with each other- we connected.


I can’t tell you how many times in my life as a mamapreneur I actually feel disconnected. Being at home with my daughter and only seeing people through a computer can sometimes make you feel like you’re all alone… so this weekend was kind of like the most therapeutic dose of “tribe” I possibly could have gotten.

It filled me up in ways I can’t explain. If I could offer you one thing, it would be this: we are not meant to disconnect from the world.

We are meant to be plugged in, we are meant to be together.

Make sure you find some space in your life to find the hearts that call to you and GET you… and once you find them, hold on tight.

3. Let’s Get To Know Each Other… Here Are Some Fun Facts About Me :)  

Because… why not!?

1. I was a musician and singer growing up, and actually played the flute in the school band. Music was one of the things that really filled me up when I was younger, and still does to this day.

2. I love field hockey.

3. I LOVE GUMMY BEARS! Probably more than anyone should. We can’t even have them in the house or I will eat the whole bag in one sitting (I am being serious).

What about you? I’d love to know some fun and random facts about who you are, why you connected to me and what lights you up. Respond to this email and let’s connect <3

 Wealth Is Yours,


Spending Money on Yourself

Happy Saturday!

Did you FEEL that sunshine this week?! I forgot how good for the soul sunshine and warmth can be… so I am so grateful to have the chance to spend days out in the sun with my little girl.

The life of a mamapreneur isn’t always pretty or easy… but this week it sure was <3

 Here are the 3 things that have been on my heart this week:

 1. My Business Facebook Page

I love being able to share bits of myself and my work with you, and using social media platforms to do so. Facebook is one of my favorite tools, and I will be doing Live talks and Q+A’s on there weekly. 

I want to make sure you get the chance to jump on and be a part of the journey with me.

Go here to like + follow me on Facebook!


2. Spending Money On Ourselves

Each month, my husband and I allot personal spending money for ourselves in our budget.

It was our way of adding some “guilt free” treats into our lives, because (like I always say), a budget is a LIVING document and needs to be realistic.

Only- I always took that money and spent it on my husband, or my daughter, or someone else. I almost never spent it on the person it was intended to be spent on- me.

While giving freely is a gift unto ourselves, there is also something to be said for always remaining the last person on our lists that we opt to give freely to.

This month, I made the (uncomfortable) effort to spend that money on ME-

I set a new boundary for myself that meant that I was no longer allowed to spend my personal budgeted money on other people.
So I stuck to the boundary, and I bought this super cute hoodie I had been eyeing!


And guess what? It was guilt-free, and it felt so good to show myself that I was also worthy of the gifts that I had been reserving for others.

The lesson? You can’t give water from an empty cup. Make sure, if you’re like me, that in between all of that giving that you do- that you extend some of that same kindness to yourself.

Because guess what? You’re so worth it.


3. The Ignite Your Soul Summit

I am embracing my soul sister Amber Lilyestrom this weekend (as we speak, actually) in all of her greatness and spending the next two days in Portsmouth at The Ignite Your Soul Summit!!

summit ad graphic 1 (1).png

This is Amber’s biggest event of the year, with life changing speakers and deep dives into the hearts and lives of each person that attends… and I am so blessed and honored to be a part of it with her again this year.

It’s a beautiful reminder to surround yourself with people who lift you up and celebrate the journey with you, and if you can’t find them in your own lives at this moment- seek them out in places you know they’ll be.

Trust me, they’ll be just as excited when you arrive as you will be.

If you want to see some of the fun---head to Instagram and follow my Instastories! 

Wealth is yours, 


Sacred Success & Celebrating Money Victories

Hey friend,

Did you hear those birds chirping and see the sun shining for a little while this week?!

Even though I know I feel like New England is playing tricks....#springisfinallyhere!

Here are the 3 things that have been on my heart this week:

 1. It’s okay to celebrate your money victories.

I had a client come to me the other day who had been able to pay CASH for all of her business trips this year. She told me that it was something she wanted to be able to celebrate, but felt like if she did that she would be “boasting”.

Let’s hold up for a minute right here… because why would celebrating something that life-changing be considered bragging?

 It’s time we stop making money a taboo topic that we’re afraid to talk about (unless we’re complaining), and start allowing it to be a part of our lives that we celebrate.

For my client, sharing that she had paid cash for those trips was sharing a lifestyle change that she was proud of, and a change that moved her closer to her goals + wealth.

The next time you find yourself shrinking down because you don’t want to “boast”, check-in with what’s holding you back and then share your success.

If we’re going to change the stigma of money mindset, then we might as well begin with our own.


2. Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles by Barbara Stanny

This book is all about showing women that there is a better way to achieve wealth- on their own terms. 


Barbara dives in deep, understanding that there is more work to be done when it comes to building wealth than just crunching numbers. She believes, as women- we need to look at wealth and power in our own unique light and change the thoughts we think surrounding them.

This book is said to be A Course in Miracles meets Wall Street Journal, and an absolute must-have on your journey to building wealth.

This is one of my favorite books to recommend my clients. I really love the approach to the language around wealth and how we are able to change it. 


3. My favorite app in the whole entire world!!!

 And no - I’m not talking about nachos…

 I am talking about VOXER.

Voxer is a communication app that I use in my business with my clients, and in my personal life with all of my friends.


In a world where text can seem super impersonal and make you feel like you’re building a relationship with a robot- Voxer allows you to send real time voice messages to your friends and carry on full conversations- whenever it works for you!

That means if they’re there- you get to chat it up with them almost as if it were a phone call.

If they’re not? Your message is saved until later and they can reply in their own time (just like text messaging!)

This app has allowed me to truly communicate with the people I love and the souls I work with in a way that fits into our busy schedules.

It makes a world of difference when someone can hear your voice, hear your excitement, and understand the message you’re really trying to convey.

Plus- the basic version is absolutely FREE!

Download Voxer on your phone today!


Wealth is yours, 
